This term, we are doing wearable arts which are costumes made out of recyclable materials. The topic is going to be announced today. Our ball is coming up soon and all of the Intermediates are really excited.
Already we have got our 100 Need to Know Words (Part 2) spelling list. We started reading Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo last term and are continuing it this term. We’re also getting ready to do cross country on Thursday because it was postponed last term as it was raining on the day it was supposed to be on.
Today, Tegan and I decided to sit at the teacher’s desk for a day so we asked if we could. Mrs Vincent said yes, then she said, “I will think about it,” but we sat there anyway and it was awesome because we felt like teacher.
The topic has just been announced. This term we are learning about the Aztecs. The only things we know about the Aztecs already is that they invented chocolate (Ricki-Jean knows this from the Probe Reading Test). Matthew has a book about the Aztecs and knew that they had tall temples with zig-zag steps.
By Hunter and Tegan
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