Monday, March 15, 2010

Our Term So Far...

First of all we have changed our next Poutama* group for Science, soft materials, hard materials and photography. *Poutama is Maori for technology. It is the name of our technology building.

In soft materials we are making bags which look fabulous. When we first started our Poutama some of us felt a bit nervous and thought that we might not be good at it although when we compare the results from the start to mid-week, we think that our Huia1 class is getting on pretty well. That's why there is a saying "Never judge a book by its cover."

Madison is the first to print her photo in our Photography group. Can you guess what it is?

It's called Polluted Prison

We have some fantastico news.

Our lovely teachers have organised a special outdoor education camp and almost all of the students in our team are going which sounds tremendously fun!! We have camp meetings on Friday afternoons to help us to be prepared and to know what to do if things do go wrong in the actual event.

We have watched a video called "It Was Just a Tramp In the Bush" and learned about hypothermia and how to notice the signs of it and also about what can go wrong if you are unprepared when heading out into the great outdoors.

Mrs Whitehead taught us a good way to remember some of the signs of hypothermia called... "The ...umbles". That is: stumbles, mumbles, grumbles"jumbles", tumbles and fumbles.

The one tip we learned from the video and in our meetings is 'ALWAYS CHECK YOU HAVE EVERYTHING' which is the important tip! Almost all of our Huia 1 class are extremely excited to go to camp since it is an outdoor education experience.

A note from Mrs Vincent: Check out this brochure which tells you all about hypothermia

Our homework two weeks ago was on the Winter Olympics that was held in Vancouver, Canada. Our next homework is doing research on New Zealand's involvement in World Wars 1 and 2 and about Anzac Day.

We have also got 'The Blog Team' that work on the Huia 1 blog. Team members have been visiting some of the junior classes and helping to start their blogs. These are the websites that we have started so far:

Be sure to check them out because they have awesome stuff like cool pictures and great news.

Our classmate Madison went to play cricket and represent our school and guess what?
They won!! It is excellent news and we are so happy and proud that our school was represented in the inter-school girls cricket for Year 7 and 8.

In class we have be writing 'Inside Me' poems. Here are some examples below:

Inside me is a packet of sweet strawberry-flavoured lollies
Inside me is a fast-running Ferrari
Inside me is a computer full of technology
Inside me is a Silver Fern waiting to shoot the winning goal

By Brittany

Inside me are lollies sweet and sour
Inside me there is an apprentice chef learning to cook mouth-watering meals
Inside me is an egg beater going round and round singing the same old song
Inside me is a ukulele, strumming "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
Inside me is a computer - a branch of knowledge
Inside me there is a camera and I see the world through its lens

By Nikeeta

Inside me is a sour lemon of nastiness
Inside me is a fearless soul of an angry white tiger, waiting to pounce
Inside me is a shining star of happiness
Inside me is the largest, brightest, reddest strawberry of sweetness that never shows
Inside me is a clown of cheekiness
Inside me is a dictionary of different languages

By Erica

Inside me is a red heart of love
Inside me is a sour lemon of anger
Inside me is a fast cheetah, ready to bite my brother when he annoys me
Inside me is a piano ready to play
Inside me is a cruise ship, waiting for the chance to go to a Pacific Island
Inside me is a playful monkey who loves to play, climb and eat bananas
Inside me is a soft and cuddly kangaroo who loves to jump
Inside me there is blue - it's crying when it raining.

By So Yeon

If you couldn't guess what Madison's photo was - it was the grill on the drain with water reflecting the blue sky. Do you see why she called it "Polluted Prison"?

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